Jim FerrisClient


Nice try.

How long are you people going to keep closing these tickets without doing anything? What do you even get paid to do? If it’s anything at all it’s too much.

Let’s get this straight: I have a paid account in good standing until April of 2020. As such, your job is to resolve tickets and offer information, NONE of which has been done.

Either that or refund my entire complete last payment and close this account. Your choice, since “Support Center” doesn’t come anywhere near what you do. There are other hosting sites around who will take my money and will offer assistance, where you people have apparently forgotten what that is entirely.

06/06/2018 (08:56)
Jim FerrisClient

Before anyone gets antsy, NO, it’s not OK to close this ticket.

Nothing has been done

Do I need to open another ticket to have someone look at this ticket?
…wait…that won’t work. I already tried that.

Do I ask nicely?
…no, that doesn’t work either. Already tried that.

Do I try a different language?
…no, tried that, too.

Do I type up uʍop ǝpısdn?
…no, that wasn’t any good, either.

I have no friggin’ idea. Apparently there is absolutely no way to get support here any more.


If there is, it has completely ignored me for 102 days now.

06/04/2018 (08:01)
Jim FerrisClient

OH,no you don’t.

What part of “You don’t close a ticket until it’s resolved” do you people not understand?

I’d ask for an escalation manager, but you’re clearly not sophisticated enough to have one of those, so I shall continue to play this petty game until I get someone’s attention and some kind of resolution to this SERIES of tickets that YOU have created that started when I innocently opened a ticket an astonishing 101 days ago.

101 days ago

Have you people no pride? No accountability? I’d ask about job expectations, but it’s clearly not something you have.


So…..what do you have?

06/01/2018 (07:57)
Jim FerrisClient

Aren’t we at about the point where someone pops in for a courtesy visit to say something that makes me think you care and that you’re going to do something? OH…and at the same time, to put the ownus on ME when it is YOU who haven’t done A. Single. Thing. to help this ticket?

Now that I look at this, you should change the name of this page from HMC – Billing/Support Center to HMC – Billing/Ignore Center .

05/30/2018 (08:01)
Jim FerrisClient

Here we are again. Waiting for something that’s not going to happen.

Sometimes I wonder why I stay with you people at all, then I remember that my account is paid and active for nearly two more years.

It’s on you. DO SOMETHING.

05/29/2018 (08:26)
Jim FerrisClient

(drums fingers on table)

GEE..I wonder if anyone will look at this ticket today?

Well, they probably will, but they don’t do anything about it…at all….it’ll go along with NO assistance whatsoever.

I compel you to prove me wrong

05/27/2018 (23:03)
Jim FerrisClient


Is this thing on?

I have to ask. Am I the only customer you blatantly ignore and disregard? Or am I somehow singled out and deserve this honor for some unknown reason?

Regardless, this is absolutely pathetic.

05/25/2018 (16:32)
Jim FerrisClient

…make that an astounding NINETY-ONE days.

I honestly can’t even with you people.

05/24/2018 (12:04)
Jim FerrisClient

Still here.

Still waiting.

A full 90 days since I opened the original ticket.

Doesn’t this show up in a report that managers look at? Is there no accountability? If that’s the case I want your job because if I had a ticket open that long I wouldn’t have a job.

05/23/2018 (10:08)
Jim FerrisClient

¿ǝןdoǝd noʎ ɟo ʇno ǝsuodsǝɹ ɐ ʇǝb oʇ op oʇ pǝǝu ı op ʇɥɐʍ ¿sıɥʇ uo ʇɔɐ/pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı ǝǝs s,ʇǝן ‘ʞo

05/21/2018 (09:56)
Jim FerrisClient

Here. Let me try in a couple languages, since English apparently isn’t working.

Spanish: ¿Puedo obtener ayuda con este boleto?

German: Kann ich Hilfe mit diesem Ticket bekommen?

French: Puis-je obtenir de l’aide pour ce billet?

Swedish: Kan jag få lite hjälp med denna biljett?

05/19/2018 (04:52)
Jim FerrisClient

(looks at calendar and watch)

Yeap…still nothing.

05/18/2018 (14:05)
Jim FerrisClient

Checking back again. Just me. Customer waiting for support. That’s all.

05/17/2018 (08:05)
Jim FerrisClient

Checking back to see if there are updates for the 2,308th time.

05/15/2018 (08:12)
Jim FerrisClient

81 days in and not a single issue resolved.


Are you proud of this?

05/13/2018 (21:28)
Jim FerrisClient


What. Is. With. You. People?

You Don’t Close A Ticket Unless It’s Resolved. It’s really not that hard.

Not ONE single item of the FOUR tickets that you keep merging into one has been resolved.

Are you going to resolve any of it, or just keep ignoring me.


I’m waiting.

05/10/2018 (08:57)
Jim FerrisClient

Ok, what gives?

WHY was this closed when Kyle asked me what I needed and I specifically outlined the FOUR tickets that have been merged into one?

I really don’t get it.

05/07/2018 (20:09)
Jim FerrisClient

Thank You, Kyle.

I’ve opened 3 or 4 tickets that have all been merged into this one.

The first one was on February 23 :

_I was wondering if it was possible to “clean out” my account, or start it over. Apparently at one point there was some corruption of files and I think that’s finally under control. I’d like to start rebuilding my sites, but I’d rather do it in a completely complete environment. Would that entail cleaning out everything , or could it just be done to the websites? I’d rather not lose my add-on domains or email accounts, but those can always be re-built.

Please let me know what the options are.


Basically, I was looking for a clean slate to rebuild.

On February 26 I inquired about what version ShoutCast my stream was, which was later answered by Donna

Can you tell me if my 25 seat ShoutCast account is ShoutCast v1 or v2? 
(Donna responded, ticket was merged with this one)

Subsequent (March 26 ) to that I asked a Donna another question that got no response.

_Thanks, Donna!

Would it still be a part of my 24 port streaming package that comes with my hosting plan?_

On March 21 I asked about updating the address on my account.

I need to update the address on my account. The one that’s on there is now 3 residences old. 
(there was no response, but the ticket was merged in with this one)

On April 21 I opened a new ticket about getting the version of PHP updated (per Joomla recommendation)

_After installing and updating Joomla for one of my websites, I got the following message:

We have detected that your server is using PHP 5.4.45 which is obsolete and no longer receives official security updates by its developers. The Joomla! Project recommends upgrading your site to PHP 5.6 or later which will receive security updates at least until 2018-12-31. Please ask your host to make PHP 5.6 or a later version the default version for your site. If your host is already PHP 5.6 ready please enable PHP 5.6 on your site’s root and ‘administrator’ directories – typically you can do this yourself through a tool in your hosting control panel, but it’s best to ask your host if you are unsure.

Can you update/install PHP 5.6 for my sites, per this message?_

(No response, and ticket was merged with this one).

So, what can you help me with? ANY of the above . Aside from Donna’s response I got nothing, and I opened up a new ticket for each request.

05/07/2018 (10:00)
Kyle MillerStaff


There being closed because there nothing to answer.

Let’s start over.

What can I help you with?

Kyle Miller
Support Department Tech

You rated this response
05/06/2018 (17:50)
Jim FerrisClient


Me again.

Still no answer to anything.

Nothing at all.

Stop closing the ticket if it’s not resolved. #BadCustomerService

Not going away, either.

05/03/2018 (09:04)
Jim FerrisClient

How about a response once in a while?

Something like “Closing because we’re not here to help you”

or “We can’t help you because we don’t know what we’re doing.”

or “Why won’t you just go away”

05/03/2018 (09:02)
Jim FerrisClient



With not one item resolved.


04/30/2018 (19:47)
Jim FerrisClient

Still checking.

Still nothing.

Not surprised.

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

04/30/2018 (07:58)
Jim FerrisClient

66 days and counting.

Is this thing on?

04/29/2018 (08:01)
Jim FerrisClient

Checking in again, but not very hopeful.

I have to ask. Am I the only one being ignored, or are all of your customers being treated as if we’re not even here?

Was there something I asked or did to be cast aside? I’d really like to know.

I don’t expect a response. I’ve gotten past that point with what has become your completely useless “support” system. Its actually become laughable, and not in a “haha this is funny” kind of way, but in a “how pathetic can we possibly be” kind of way.


04/27/2018 (10:31)
Jim FerrisClient

63 days now.


04/26/2018 (08:04)
Jim FerrisClient

It appears this ticket will remain like this in perpetuity. I keep asking questions, you keep ignoring them.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

You see, now you’ve dug yourself a hole because if you respond at all how will you account for alllll these ignored requests for assistance?

04/24/2018 (08:12)
Jim FerrisClient


We are now at day 60 of this ridiculous attempt to get assistance for anything….anything at all.

She SOLE response I’ve gotten amidst all the tickets you keep lumping together and summarily ignore was from Donna nearly a month ago. (see attached). In it she says to let you know if it’s something I want to pursue, but since everything is being ignored there’s not much chance of that happening, is there? .

I mean, seriously, what does it take to get anyone’s attention here, much less get some help? Are you guys going down and just keeping things minimally afloat until the ship sinks? Is there some vendetta against me for something I may have done? Are you staffed AT ALL any more?

Answers would be appreciated. My frustration isn’t my fault, it’s yours.

The ball is in your court. Are you going to play or go home?

Attachments (1)


04/23/2018 (08:02)
Jim FerrisClient

Good Morning.

I’m checking in in the (highly unlikely) event that there my be an updated or (GASP) a real answer or resolution to any of the issues that have been merged into my ticket (heretofore known as “Tickets To Ignore”) which is now 59 days old.

Are we looking to break a record?

Actually, this is pretty pathetic.

04/22/2018 (13:37)
Jim FerrisClient

Stopping by to see if there are updates. No resolution in 58 days so far.

Is anyone reading this?

04/20/2018 (15:04)
Jim FerrisClient

56 days and counting.

04/19/2018 (07:30)
Jim FerrisClient

Stopping by to see if there are any updates to these [MERGED] tickets that really require minimal effort.

Thanks for the [LACK OF] support.

04/18/2018 (08:03)
Jim FerrisClient

Checking back to see if there are any updates to any of the questions I asked that have been merged into one pile.

Anyone? Anyone?

This is not difficult, people.

04/16/2018 (17:25)
Jim FerrisClient

OK, seriously, what gives?

I’ve opened numerous tickets since February 23 and aside from one very brief reply, only 1 of my questions has come anywhere near getting any kind of response/resolution AT ALL. As near as I can tell, every one gets merged into another and put in a pile called “ignore”.

Is that the way support is supposed to be? Just ignore the customer until he goes away?

For crying out loud, what does it take to get even the slightest bit of help out of you people? I’ve been with you for nearly 10 years. Are you TRYING to get rid of me? If so, say the word.

If not, my account is paid and in good standing for over 2 years yet. I’d like some assistance and an explanation as to why my requests for support get summarily ignored.

I’d also like to know what my escalation path is, since this is obviously NOT the way to get anything done.

04/12/2018 (09:35)
Jim FerrisClient

After installing and updating Joomla for one of my websites, I got the following message:

We have detected that your server is using PHP 5.4.45 which is obsolete and no longer receives official security updates by its developers. The Joomla! Project recommends upgrading your site to PHP 5.6 or later which will receive security updates at least until 2018-12-31. Please ask your host to make PHP 5.6 or a later version the default version for your site. If your host is already PHP 5.6 ready please enable PHP 5.6 on your site’s root and ‘administrator’ directories – typically you can do this yourself through a tool in your hosting control panel, but it’s best to ask your host if you are unsure.

Can you update/install PHP 5.6 for my sites, per this message?

IP Address:

04/12/2018 (08:17)
Jim FerrisClient

Circling back to see if there is a response — of any kind — to this ticket, originally opened 48 days ago.

Seriously. Is it that hard?

04/10/2018 (20:29)
Jim FerrisClient

Just checking to see if there’s an update to this. This ticket is now 46 days old and has made absolutely no progress.

04/08/2018 (16:40)
Jim FerrisClient

Once again I see that now THREE tickets have been merged into one, but my original request has not been addressed in the slightest.

What gives? What will it take to get a response?

04/05/2018 (08:56)
Jim FerrisClient

Since my other ticket regarding is continually being closed with no action or resolution, I’m going to open another.

I need to be able to start my sites from a clean slate. Is that possible by moving it to another server? I need to rebuild my sites and I need your help to do this. I can’t do it myself.

Can I get a response and, maybe, some assistance?

IP Address:

04/05/2018 (08:51)
Jim FerrisClient

AND here we are again .

WHY is this ticket repeatedly being closed with no resolution?

What Will It Take To Start My Account Over So I Can Build All My Sites From Scratch?

Move it to another server?
Delete and start over?
Gregorian chant?

WHY can’t I get any communication regarding this? This ticket was opened 5 weeks ago and has been closed without resolution at least FIVE times.

04/05/2018 (08:48)
Jim FerrisClient

ONCE AGAIN, why was this ticket closed without resolution?

04/02/2018 (08:32)
Jim FerrisClient

ONCE AGAIN I find myself reopening this ticket because I have, once again, not received a response.

Can I get a response to this? And I’m NOT referring to the ShoutCast question, but to the original one that the ShoutCast ticket was merged into?

The original ticket was opened back in FEBRUARY. It is now APRIL. Surely that’s enough time to answer a question.

04/02/2018 (08:29)
Jim FerrisClient

Why is it this ticket was closed with no response?

03/29/2018 (13:13)
Jim FerrisClient

This ticket is now over a week old. Can you advise how to update my address?

03/29/2018 (13:12)
Jim FerrisClient

Please respond to this ticket before closing it. I still haven’t gotten a response at all regarding restarting the account so I can start building my sites from scratch.

03/26/2018 (13:11)
Jim FerrisClient

Thanks, Donna!

Would it still be a part of my 24 port streaming package that comes with my hosting plan?

Also, I’d like to clean out my sites/account and start from scratch. They’ve been in place for quite a while and I think I need a clean slate. Is that possible?

03/26/2018 (12:52)
Donna DeckerStaff

Hello Jim,

We have v2 streaming servers. Unfortunately, we cannot update any servers that are v1. It affects the whole server and some people still prefer that version. If you would like to be moved to another server we can do that. However, this requires a new account. It’s a new ip and port. You will need to upload any music and remake playlists. Please let us know if this is something you are interested in.

Thank You,

Donna Decker
Support Department Tech

03/25/2018 (15:50)
Jim FerrisClient

Can I get a response to this? This is my 3rd attempt, but no answer. I don’t appreciate the ticket being closed when it’s not resolved.

Also, there was no response about re-starting my accounts. Basically I’d like a clean slate to start building on. Can you advise what that would take?

03/21/2018 (18:50)
Jim FerrisClient

I need to update the address on my account. The one that’s on there is now 3 residences old.

IP Address:

03/21/2018 (18:49)
Jim FerrisClient

Thanks for the response about the ShoutCast stream. Are there plans to upgrade to version 2?

Also, there was no response about re-starting my accounts. Basically I’d like a clean slate to start building on. Can you advise what that would take?

03/14/2018 (19:54)
Jim FerrisClient

Thanks for the response about the ShoutCast stream. Are there plans to upgrade to version 2?

Also, there was no response about re-starting my accounts. Basically I’d like a clean slate to start building on. Can you advise what that would take?

03/12/2018 (22:10)

**** Auto Generated Responds ****


Your ticket will now be closed because we haven’t received a responds from you in 48 hours. If you still need further assistance with your issue please respond to this ticket by simply replying to the email or logging into the member center @


Hosting Member Center – Support System

**** Auto Generated Responds ****

03/10/2018 (22:06)
Donna DeckerStaff

Hi Jim,

It’s V1

Thank You,

Donna Decker
Support Department Tech

02/26/2018 (19:59)
Jim FerrisClient

Can you tell me if my 25 seat ShoutCast account is ShoutCast v1 or v2?

IP Address:

02/23/2018 (08:52)
Jim FerrisClient

I was wondering if it was possible to “clean out” my account, or start it over. Apparently at one point there was some corruption of files and I think that’s finally under control. I’d like to start rebuilding my sites, but I’d rather do it in a completely complete environment. Would that entail cleaning out everything , or could it just be done to the websites? I’d rather not lose my add-on domains or email accounts, but those can always be re-built.

Please let me know what the options are.
