For nearly 10 years I used a company called Hosting Member Center as my web host. There were a number of sites that were hosted there and for a long time they were awesome. I don’t know that there was ever really any down time or a problem with their service. When I’d put a ticket in they’d usually be pretty quick to react. Since I opened my account with them in 2011 I’ve put in 59 total tickets, 55 of which were handled relatively quickly.
That all changed on February 23, 2018 when I opened a ticket to ask a question. It was then that silence fell across the land and their service went to complete and utter shit. That ticket went unresponded for a number of days. Later I opened another ticket for an unrelated issue…it was merged into the original ticket. And such was the case with two other subsequent tickets. In total there were four tickets merged into one….and not a thing was done about any of them.
Below is that ticket thread in its entirety. It reads from the bottom up. You can clearly see that their support is now complete shit and that they don’t care for their customers any more, even if they’re paid through the end of April, 2020. They Just Don’t Fucking Care.
I don’t know that I’ve ever seen such a spectacular display of ineptitude. They don’t respond to my requests for updates, and then close the ticket without explanation. I then open the ticket back up and it stays open while I try to get something — anything — from these completely useless support people, but it ends up getting closed again. It’s obvious they don’t give a shit about their customers, much less their own sinking reputation.
Jim FerrisClient
Nice try.
How long are you people going to keep closing these tickets without doing anything? What do you even get paid to do? If it’s anything at all it’s too much.
Let’s get this straight: I have a paid account in good standing until April of 2020. As such, your job is to resolve tickets and offer information, NONE of which has been done.
Either that or refund my entire complete last payment and close this account. Your choice, since “Support Center” doesn’t come anywhere near what you do. There are other hosting sites around who will take my money and will offer assistance, where you people have apparently forgotten what that is entirely.